free t


Where the heck have I been? So... ten minutes ago I'm scrolling down my newsfeed and I see a post that says, "Stanford University Offers Free Tuition". First, I take a look at the source: Vox- seems legit. Then, I take a look at the date to see how recently this was announced: April 1st, 2015. You already know what I'm thinking: April Fools joke.  I wasn't about to let Stanford or Vox get me.

When it comes to April Fool's day I am the queen of not being fooled. As I dig deeper I come across a Snopes article (the holy grail of truth for all things on the internet) that says this is NOT a hoax or prank. So now, I'm all messed up. In an effort to not get got I assumed that the Stanford tuition article was fake when in actuality, it was REAL. Think about that for a second. I was unwilling to believe that a University would willingly make tuition affordable and accessible to more families. It just seems too good to be true. How sad is that. 

The good news is that in this case, it is true. In April Stanford announced that tuition would be free for families earning less than $125,000. I don't know what rock I've been living under but if you were also under a rock or just missed this somehow, check out this article with full details and spread the word.

Did you know that Stanford University started offering free tuition for families making less than $125K? What are your thoughts?

